Visits to the Blessed Sacrament

June 13, 1993
Brother John Raymond

	This Sunday being Corpus Christi I cannot help but mention the
 great advantage to one's spiritual life of praying before our
 Eucharistic Lord. Unlike when one prays somewhere else, when one
 prays in church one prays before Jesus Who is TRULY present in the
 tabernacle. It is not just a spiritual presence but His total
 Presence: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. I might add that I am
 talking about a living, feeling and loving Person Who is living in
 our churches. Praying before the tabernacle as compared to praying
 at home can be likened to the difference between visiting a friend
 and talking to them over the phone - both are good but one is
	One should try to make a habit of stopping into Catholic churches
 to pay Jesus a visit. Spending some quiet moments with Jesus can
 make a tremendous difference in one's day. The problems,
 difficulties and anxieties of life which seemed to be overwhelming
 will slowly fall away or become much easier to bear. The peace of
 Jesus will flow into one's soul. Let me relate the following true
 story of a non-Catholic who learned this lesson. Elsie Briggs
 entered the Mission Church in Roxbury, Massachusetts for one reason
 only - to rest. She relates what happened next: "How long I sat
 there, I don't know, but I suddenly became aware of someone living.
 There was an actual presence all around that seemed to emanate from
 the altar. It was pleasing and restful to feel. And without
 half-realizing what I was doing I moved up front until I was sitting
 in the first pew.
	"The weariness and strain all fell away and a great sense of
 peace and love came over me, combined with an intense desire to
 sleep . . .
	"And right here and now I want to explain that at that time I
 knew absolutely nothing about Catholic teachings. No one had ever
 told me of the Host or the ever-present living God on the altar."
 This experience was the reason for her later becoming a Catholic.
	It may be the case that the church one wants to visit is locked
 most of the time. Still one should consider just parking the car
 near the church and from there making a visit to Jesus. He will see
 one's good intention of visiting Him and be pleased.
	One important little custom which has fallen away in recent times
 is acknowledging Jesus in some way when passing by a church. Jesus
 is sensitive to our response of love so one should make it a point
 of making the Sign of the Cross or even just saying "hello" to Jesus
 when driving or walking by a church.
	A great act of love one could do for Jesus in the Most Blessed
 Sacrament would be to start Eucharistic Adoration in one's parish.
 How happy Jesus would be to have people with Him night and day. How
 many graces would He shower upon such a parish. For those interested
 in giving Jesus the honor and glory He deserves by starting
 Eucharistic Adoration contact:
			Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
			660 Club View Drive
			Los Angeles, CA 90024
			Tel. 310-273-3856
	Let us increase growth in our relationship with Jesus through
 frequent visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament.